
I went to dye my hair i have new growth about 1/2 to 1 in. But a different color do i do grow first or hair under growth first.

Thank you Diane

0 Answers

  1. Lorraine53 wrote on :

    You may want to consider consulting a stylist and letting him or her do the job at least once. That way while you’re there you can engage him or her in a conversation about how they proceed coloring your hair; first growth on top or the under growth.

  2. Elline Surianello wrote on :

    Dye the new hair first!

  3. pam adkisson wrote on :

    It really depends on how dramatic a color change you want if you’re going for a different color. If it’s, say, within the “brown” hair shades, you should do the roots for about 20 minutes, then the last 5 minutes “soap cap” the color throughout all of the hair, to freshen the tone…”Soap cap” means add a bit of shampoo to the remaining color and leave on for 3-5 minutes after the roots. Hope this is helpful! 🙂

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