I’m looking to buy some new clothes that I can wear in the summer. Any suggestions for stores with thin, lightweight tops that can be worn in the HEAT?!

I’m looking to buy some new clothes that I can wear in the summer. Any suggestions for stores with thin, lightweight tops that can be worn in the HEAT?!
0 Answers
suzi51 wrote on :
http://www.softsurroundings.com has some great clothing and will show how to put a look together. Coldwater Creek has some nice things. My favorite fabric for the summer is linen,
Ilenefaboverfifty wrote on :
Hello Olivia Creamer:
Thank you for your inquiry. In order to help direct you to the most appropriate solutions, would you mind answering a few pivotal questions:
1.Do you need lightweight clothing for a work environment- and if so, is it professional or casual-wear appropriate?
2. If not for work, are you in need of everyday, casual, laundry appropriate vs dry clean tops?
3. Are there any figure or fit issues which you want to accentuate…balance…or camouflage? Are you a missy , contemporary or plus size gal?
4. Lastly, what is your budget? In other words, price sensitive- under $60, contemporary design- $150 and up, classic and/or “really special” items, where price is no object?
Looking forward to directing you to HEAT sensitive solutions- which includes natural fiber apparel (cotton, linen,blends), no synthetics.
With kind regards,