How To Avoid Indigestion This Holiday Season

The Thanksgiving feast may mark the start of the joyous holiday season, but like all excesses, too much celebrating can lead to some pretty yucky feelings, from your stomach clear up to your esophagus.

If you’ve eaten too much, too fast, (especially spicy, fatty and greasy foods), not to mention imbibed a tad more than you should, you just may develop indigestion, says Dr. David L. Greenwald, a gastroenterologist associated with the esteemed Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.

“An uncomfortable, intensely full feeling in the upper abdomen, indigestion is not a medical condition, but a manifestation of something else, perhaps an ulcer or gallbladder disease,” Dr. Greenwald explains. “The fullness and bloating can be caused by food or liquid alone, or a combination.” Something spicy might trigger the symptoms of discomfort in one person, something greasy in another. Caffeine might act as a stimulus, or carbonated soda could be the culprit. “It’s trial and error from person to person,” the doctor adds.

If you’re really unlucky, you may experience heartburn along with indigestion.

pain“Heartburn is a burning feeling, or regurgitation, that arises in the lower part of the chest or the upper part of the abdomen, or it can be a combo of both, and the feeling can radiate towards the neck,” notes Dr. Greenwald.

Not actually related to the heart, heartburn is a result of stomach acids rising into the esophagus, which is the passageway from our mouth to our stomach. “Acid is made in our stomach all the time, which is then supposed to go through the stomach and into the small intestine to help with digestion,” Dr. Greenwald explains.  But, some acid in absolutely everyone refluxes back into the esophagus many times each minute, when the sphincter muscle at the end of the esophagus (like a valve) opens for us to eat, or when we swallow the saliva we’re constantly creating in our mouth.

“Everyone has different ways of clearing the acid entering the esophagus,” according to Dr. Greenwald, “gravity being the most common.” We also have muscles in the esophagus that contract and move what’s in it back to the stomach. How much acid comes up; how well you clear it,  and how sensitive you are to the acid will determine whether you experience heartburn.  

Over 60 million Americans get heartburn at least once a month, according to the American College of Gastroenterology, and almost everyone experiences indigestion from time to time. Indigestion is your body’s way of telling you something you already know — you ate too much of the wrong foods, and you ate them too quickly.

Of course, the smart thing to do is listen to your body, make healthy food choices, and don’t eat like you’re participating in Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest. But since it’s mighty difficult to be an exemplary eater during the most festive time of year, you can be prepared for indigestion with an all-natural remedy. Our favorite is Maty’s All-Natural Acid Indigestion Relief, created by Carolyn Harrington, a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and creator of Maty’s Healthy Products.

“Many drugs that remedy acid indigestion have been associated with serious health complications such as kidney failure,” says Carolyn. Choosing a natural solution can be beneficial to your long-term health. Maty’s tasty relief formula includes organic honey to soothe the throat, apple cider vinegar to give “healthy acid” to the digestive tract, as well as cloves and turmeric for anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits.

buckwheat-honeyThe formula is safe for everyone, and it has no side effects or drug interactions, Carolyn affirms. Learn more about Maty’s Healthy Products today!

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P.S. Don’t forget to follow Maty’s Healthy Products on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

This post is sponsored by Maty’s Healthy Products. Thanks for supporting FabOverFifty! Dr. Greenwald is not associated with the brand. FabOverFifty greatly appreciates the opportunity to present his invaluable knowledge.   

How One Woman Stood Up To Her Uncomfortable Postmenopausal Vaginal Symptoms

This post is sponsored by Pfizer, the makers of ESTRING (estradiol vaginal ring) 2mg. For more information on ESTRING, please see Full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING and Patient Information. Scroll down or click here for Important Safety Information.

Patricia Hensley, a former national-class distance runner, always lived a healthy, active lifestyle. A dental hygienist for decades, this 63-year-old lives in Austin, TX, with her husband, who is nine years younger.

“We had a good sex life until I had problems,” related this candid woman, whose experience after menopause made sex painful.

When Patricia finally decided she had enough suffering as a result of her postmenopausal vaginal symptoms she decided to speak with her doctor. Together they decide to try Estring, a treatment option that helps alleviate moderate to severe symptoms of postmenopausal vaginal atrophy. Her tale is a good lesson for any woman who needs help for postmenopause symptoms that just won’t quit. Geri Brin, founder of, chatted with Patricia to see how she turned things around after menopause.

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How To Care For Your Skin In The Winter

Besides winter’s reputation as cold and flu season, the colder and drier weather can wreak havoc on your skin– making it dry, itchy, and downright uncomfortable. Furthermore, you lose sweat and oil glands as you age, says the Cleveland Clinic, which can cause your skin to dry out even more.

FabOverFifty has partnered with CVS Pharmacy to bring you valuable tips to help keep your skin healthy, hydrated and smooth throughout the winter!



Your facial skin is directly exposed to the harsh elements, so it absolutely needs extra TLC in the winter months. Make sure to apply a moisturizer right after drying off in the shower, to help keep it feeling hydrated throughout the day and night. And, don’t forget to use sunscreen every day in the winter, as well. The winter sun and glare from the snow can still damage your skin. Some moisturizers have sunscreen right in them.



The skin on your lips is especially thin, which easily can make them chapped, dry and even flakey in the winter. Apply a lip cream or balm, like this one from CVS Health with SPF 20, before heading out in the cold (and wind!) to protect and hydrate them. While you’re outside, it’s always a good idea to cover your lips (and bottom part of your face) with a scarf for added protection. And never, ever, lick your lips! “Saliva evaporates quickly, leaving lips drier than before you licked them,” says Dr. Lawrence Gibson at the Mayo Clinic.


Your hand skin also is thin and needs good care throughout the winter months, so you can never apply too much hand cream. You don’t need to spend a fortune on one, either. This alpha hydroxy hand cream, under $5, should help revive dry, cracked skin in just one use. And, remember to wear gloves when you go out in the cold. This anti-itch lotion for sensitive skin works wonders!


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What Your Worst Menopause Symptom Says About You

Menopause can be a downright depressing time for even the most optimistic women. Hot flashes, a dry vagina, and a vile mood aren’t the ingredients for happiness. But, please know that you DO NOT have to suffer. You can learn all you need to know about menopause, and about the completely safe remedies that are available for practically all of your symptoms.

If you’ve not yet entered the menopausal transition, read about the experiences of 20 FOFs here. If you’re lucky–like Paulette, Sally C, Rosa, and Jan–you’ll get off scot free. But don’t wait to find out. Arm yourself now with the knowledge you’ll need to avoid a horrible time later.



How To Take Control Of Your Long-Term Health

This post is sponsored by Humana.

Wouldn’t it be better to prevent chronic medical conditions than spending decades treating them?

Maintaining your health is the most important gift you can give yourself, and it’s never too late to begin. Making smart lifestyle choices today, whether you’re 35 or 65, will surely contribute to your health and well being in the decades to come.

vertical-leadThat’s why FabOverFifty is honored to partner with Humana health insurance to promote its #StartWithHealthy initiative. What better time than during the crisp fall to start your program to stay in tip-top shape. When you look at statistics from the National Center for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you’ll grasp right away how many millions of Americans are affected by long-term conditions, and how critical it is that each and every one of us take steps to reduce that number in the future. Take a look at these four common conditions, and what you can do to make sure you’re supporting your health from this day forward.

“Our parents didn’t have the health knowledge we have today, or the tools to keep themselves in the best shape possible. But we do, and there is no excuse for not taking full charge of your mind and your body, so you can spend every day with joy,” said Geri Brin, founder of (more…)

Combat Your Cough With Honey

Sometimes during the winter, lots of us get colds and start coughing, and coughing, and coughing, until our throats become unbearably irritated.


Known as tissus in the medical community, “a cough is a sudden reflex humans and many animals have to clear the throat and breathing passage of foreign particles, microbes, irritants, fluids and mucus, a rapid expulsion of air from the lungs,” according to We’ll run to a drugstore, and try to determine which of the countless syrups, lozenges, sprays and pills will help give us relief, without making us either hyperactive from the added sugar and high fructose corn syrup, or completely groggy.  

Stop pondering and make a beeline for honey, a completely natural remedy that has been used for centuries to reduce or relieve symptoms of the common cold. Human use of honey has been traced to about 8,000 years ago, when it was depicted in Stone Age paintings. Reported to have an inhibitory effect on about “60 species of bacteria, some species of fungi and viruses, honey is a by-product of flower nectar and the upper aero-digestive tract of the honey bee, which is concentrated through a dehydration process inside the beehive,” according to the National Institutes of Health. Often called “nature’s cough medicine,” honey has the ability to sweetly coat dry, irritated throats and suppress coughs. (more…)

How To Stay On Top Of Your Health This Fall And Winter

Cold and flu season is approaching, and it’s better to plan ahead than to wait until you’re already sick! We’ve partnered with CVS Pharmacy to make sure you know the best ways to keep you and your family healthy in the coming months.

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Introducing MonaLisa Touch: A Beautiful New Way To Treat The Painful Symptoms Of Menopause And Help Make You Smile Again

This post is sponsored by Cynosure, the distributors of MonaLisa Touch.

“We’ve broken the taboo of saying the word ‘vagina,’ and it’s about time!” says Geri Brin, founder of FabOverFifty.“I’m delighted that conversation about sexual health is out in the open, when women no longer are embarrassed to discuss intimate issues.” 

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A Love Letter To My Estrogen Patch

Almost six months ago–Wednesday, April 20th, to be precise–I put on my first Estradiol patch, which dispenses 1 mg of estrogen a day through my skin.

I started taking estrogen again after bidding it adieu seven years earlier, because I could no longer stand what was happening to my body without it. Weight gain.  Thinning hair. Lipid levels out of whack. Skin sagging on my face, not to mention elsewhere. Bones weakening.

It was especially disturbing when the cardiologist I was seeing started pushing statins to lower my cholesterol, and I mean pushing. My good and bad cholesterol numbers had always been impressive (a doctor once joked that I could get infusions of bad cholesterol and still have great numbers!) but they started creeping up, post estrogen, and it took me years to connect the two. The cardiologist, a woman in her fifties, didn’t have a clue about the benefits of estrogen for our lipid levels, or heart health, but she sure sounded like she was a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical companies that sell statins, one of the most prescribed drugs in the US.


I recently had a full blood workup and a fasting 24-hour urine test and, lo and behold, my cholesterol numbers markedly improved. Here’s how they look.

Although my overall cholesterol, at 206,  is still a bit high, the numbers that are far more significant are the 20 percent  improvement in LDL (bad) cholesterol and a 19 percent improvement in non-HDL cholesterol.  

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[POLL] Are Your Eyes Getting Dry?


We must not take our eye health for granted. Occasional dry eye is a common condition in women over 50, which can be treated. Learn if your precious eyes have it and what you can do to relieve it.

1. Do you experience any of these symptoms of dry eye? [Check all that apply]

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2. If you experience any symptoms, do you know the main reason you have them?

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3. What do you do to alleviate the discomfort of dry eye? [Check all that apply]

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4. If you use artificial tears to alleviate your occasional dry eye, why do you use them? [Check all that apply]

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5. Did you know that artificial tears are only a temporary solution, and don’t support long-term eye health or provide protection against occasional dry eye in the future?

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