
What can I do about dryness during sex due to menopause?

0 Answers

  1. Danielle Kramer wrote on :

    After menopause, vaginal tissue may become pale, thin and dry because it is no longer being supplied by estrogen. If you are suffering from vaginal dryness plus other postmenopausal symptoms including hot flashes or low bone mineral density you may benefit from FDA approved systemic hormone therapy. If your only symptom is vaginal dryness there are local estrogen therapies available in tablet, cream and even a ring form which can improve the quality of the vaginal tissue and relieve vaginal dryness. Using over the counter moisturizers 2-3 times per week, and lubricants during sexual intercourse may also be helpful. Examples of local estrogen therapy (prescription): Premarin/Estrace cream, Estring (3 month vaginal ring) Examples of oral prescriptions: Vagifem Examples of moisturizers: Replens, K-Y Silk-E Examples of lubricants: Astroglide, K-Y Jelly, olive oil This article is provided by Speaking of Women’s Health, a national women’s health education program from the Cleveland Clinic Center for Specialized Women’s Health. You can find more detailed health information on the Speaking of Women’s Health website at http://speakingofwomenshealth.com/health_library/listing/category/health_information/ I encourage you to subscribe to our monthly email newsletter where I share up to date health information, recipes and more http://www.fathompbm.com/SpeakingofWomensHealth/SWH-FOF.html

  2. Staness Jonekos wrote on :

    After women pass through perimenopause into menopause, almost 50 percent are left with an unanticipated loss of libido and vaginal dryness. Vaginal dryness can also affect the libido.

    Estrogen, important for maintaining vaginal health and lubrication, is the hormone that actually plumps up the cells in the vagina. When estrogen levels decline, the vaginal walls can become thinner, less elastic and dryer.

    Not only does the physical act of intercourse become a challenge as a result of vaginal dryness, but the emotional dialogue that goes on in one’s head when lubrication no longer comes naturally, can increase stress levels for the woman and the man. This double whammy can end in frustration and confusion.

    Treatment Options:

    -Bioadhesive lubricant, such as AstroGlide, can provide immediate relief.
    -Replens, a vaginal moisturizer, may be applied twice a week. Lubrication can offer vaginal protection and both are available over-the-counter.
    -If vaginal dryness is your only menopause symptom, you may consider using an estradiol cream or tablets applied vaginally.
    -Low dose hormone therapy may bring relief.

    It is important to discuss vaginal dryness with your doctor and also confirm that you are not suffering from a vaginal infection.

    Hope this helps 🙂

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