Before you actively seek that million dollar man, allow me to share this word of caution: Anyone who marries for money will have to earn every pennny of it.
That should not be hard as I have worked all my adult life and is still working now. I think you should earn it, whatever it is and reap the benefits that would go with that. The relationship should not be onesided.
I’m not privy to this particular site, but in my vast experience, most of the men on these sites are NOT ‘millionaires’ – at least not in any way except maybe ‘on paper’. I would suggest using one of these sites cautiously as just one part of your dating arsenal, and to branch out into other realms as well. I know it’s appealing to dream of finding a ‘rich man’ but the most important things in a good love relationship have nothing to do with money; compatibility, attraction, warmth, humor, character, personality, similar interests, similar goals, and being best friends all rate higher for most people. Take a chance and meet people in many ways, not just on dating sites, and I know you’ll have a better outcome and more ‘enriching’ experience because of it. Good luck to you.
All of the important things that you mentioned, are a given (non negotiable) One most important one for me anyway is fidelity. Dating a millionaire would be another realm for me. Since I never have dated one. I would rather try a site for a particular niche than speed dating or those single activity arenas. You always meet someone out dancing and actually, I have never met anyone on a dating site before. It seems to be another option so I thought if I would try it I might as well think big rather than small. (I’m just saying) Thanks anyway.
As far as I know you don’t have to be a millionaire to meet a man on the site.
Keep in mind no one is checking their 1099’s or tax returns, so who is to say they are millionaire’s. The best way to meet men is on an outing, face to face. With the right questions in 3-5 mintues you will know if you want to give him your calling card. Go out with friends have fun
That way has been a waste of time. I thought I would weed them out first by some financial support info then spend time out. I have had plenty of fun time with the girl’s. Thanks anyway.
0 Answers
jminetre wrote on :
Before you actively seek that million dollar man, allow me to share this word of caution: Anyone who marries for money will have to earn every pennny of it.
Foxylady wrote on :
That should not be hard as I have worked all my adult life and is still working now. I think you should earn it, whatever it is and reap the benefits that would go with that. The relationship should not be onesided.
Belinda Boyles wrote on :
I’m not privy to this particular site, but in my vast experience, most of the men on these sites are NOT ‘millionaires’ – at least not in any way except maybe ‘on paper’. I would suggest using one of these sites cautiously as just one part of your dating arsenal, and to branch out into other realms as well. I know it’s appealing to dream of finding a ‘rich man’ but the most important things in a good love relationship have nothing to do with money; compatibility, attraction, warmth, humor, character, personality, similar interests, similar goals, and being best friends all rate higher for most people. Take a chance and meet people in many ways, not just on dating sites, and I know you’ll have a better outcome and more ‘enriching’ experience because of it. Good luck to you.
Foxylady wrote on :
All of the important things that you mentioned, are a given (non negotiable) One most important one for me anyway is fidelity. Dating a millionaire would be another realm for me. Since I never have dated one. I would rather try a site for a particular niche than speed dating or those single activity arenas. You always meet someone out dancing and actually, I have never met anyone on a dating site before. It seems to be another option so I thought if I would try it I might as well think big rather than small. (I’m just saying) Thanks anyway.
Cheryl Savage wrote on :
As far as I know you don’t have to be a millionaire to meet a man on the site.
Keep in mind no one is checking their 1099’s or tax returns, so who is to say they are millionaire’s. The best way to meet men is on an outing, face to face. With the right questions in 3-5 mintues you will know if you want to give him your calling card. Go out with friends have fun
Foxylady wrote on :
That way has been a waste of time. I thought I would weed them out first by some financial support info then spend time out. I have had plenty of fun time with the girl’s. Thanks anyway.