
Is there any truth to the “meno-pot” that supposedly happens during menopause?

0 Answers

  1. Corinne Garrett wrote on :

    Yes there is. Aqualiposuction is a good “tune up” for menopot; it’s done under a local, you can literally drive yourself to and from the surgery. NOT for major fat reduction or seriously overweight people, but good for targeting otherwise stubborn problem areas. While you are at it, ask about using your own lipo’ed fat to fill in those labio-facial lines at the same time.

  2. Staness Jonekos wrote on :

    One of my favorite women’s health experts, Pam Peeke MD who gave our menopausal middles the nickname meno-pot, says, “All women get this fat accumulation. On average it can be in the range of 3-6 pounds. It should not be double digits. And, you can’t completely get rid of it. Your goal is to minimize it.

    Where does the Menopot come from? As a woman enters her perimenopause, she is slowly withdrawing from powerful sex hormones. Pre-40’s, estrogen usually directed any fat storage to the hip, thigh and buttocks. Post-40, estrogen begins to wax and wane, and any extra fat heads for the abdomen, resulting in the mission impossible of zipping up those jeans.”

    That said, I found daily exercise (cardio AND strength training) most days of the week combined with healthy eating (lean proteins, low to medium glycemic carbs and healthy fats) can “manage” that meno-pot. I am 53 and have never been healthier, but my tummy is softer and I suspect it will never return to it’s pre-40s tone as Pam claims. Now that I have reached my ideal weight, I have learned to love my new “meno-pot” 😉

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