Would appreciate full time career suggestions for an FOF who prefers to work in the corporate world, BS degree, MS office, Excel and global marketing via continuing education and but cannot compete with 20- something aged speedy computer professionals. Prior 20 years expertise in wholesale fashion.

0 Answers
Kathi Elster wrote on :
Hi, Have you tried looking for a position in retail management? Sometimes they welcome people experienced in wholesale. Also take a look at working for a manufacturer who sells their product to women over 50 like Eileen Fisher. I think it’s best to try and stay in the industry that you have knowledge in but look at where the New opportunities are.
Ilenefaboverfifty wrote on :
Thank you for your advice. Can you suggest a growing classification within retail management?
Kathi Elster wrote on :
I would try one of the fast fashion companies, like H&M, or Forever 21, or even Chico’s. They are in need for merchandising, on-line merchandising and customer service.
Ilenefaboverfifty wrote on :
Good thoughts- thank you!
Chatty Cathy wrote on :
Hello —I always like to start out with asking, What did you want to be as a child? What did you play and do as a child that could be a career? Why I ask this question is because if you do something you like and always dreamed of doing it will never be a JOB. I see you started in fashion -selling or designing. Did you like it? Why did you leave? Would you want to return? When you say you want to work in the corporate arena -why? You want the office environment and what do you have your BS in? As far as competing with 20 something co-workers knowing more about the computer —not all are computer savy. SO after soul searching —you should come up with the job you would want and the industry. I think any 50 something can work in any job –AGREE getting the job is always challenging. Let me know what industry and we will think of some jobs.
Ilenefaboverfifty wrote on :
Thank you for your good thoughts! To answer your “childhood” question/desire- it was to be a fashion designer. With expertise in design, product development and sales in womenswear, menswear, childrenswear and accessories on the wholesale and retail side, I used to NOT think it was a job.
My BS is in general studies with an emphasis on costume design and marketing. Post college, I earned an AAS degree (one year) in fashion design.
The most exciting job I had prior to leaving the workplace (child’s health matter) was as a division head, 11 years of success, offering product development/ design expertise to the top retailers nationwide.
Post child, I returned to the workplace, with your type of thinking-who would I like to work for and why? I took a position with an esteemed Fortune 500 global wholesaler/retailer with the understanding that if I met or exceeded their business metrics (sales), I could rise within the company and return to the corporate side. I successfully did exactly that. Didn’t love working nights and weekends- but it was a means to an end. On the corporate side, as an assistant buyer I, among others, was downsized from corporate due to the 2008 recession. Truthfully, it was 85% numbers driven, so that and the computer made for a less than spectacular “fit.”
I feel that growth in the fashion world, looking forward has upside potential in global and on-line business. I work best on-to-one, vs large teams.
Other passions and abilities-global travel, color expert and as a reliable, honest health care advocate for seniors.
I need a full time job and do not wish to return to a retail position- the weekend hours and commission pay. I know I can do better!
Chatty Cathy wrote on :
I was thinking –WHAT ABOUT TEACHING FASHION? You have so much to offer a student –someone just learning. With your education, experience and knowledge you have so much to contribute. PLUS teaching is a great career. You can teach fashion design for a Career School or Community College. OR perhaps look for a job at a university in the theater department in costume design; or a local musical theater —I believe FASHION is where your heart is. GOOD LUCK….FALLOW YOUR HEART!
Ilenefaboverfifty wrote on :
You are insightful and helpful! Investigating teaching route -thank you.