Have Your Kids Ever Treated You To A Vacation?

We were curious to know if your adult kids have ever treated you to a vacation!

Here is a selection of some of the most wonderful comments.

Yes! Our 2 girls sent my husband and I to Hawaii for a week for our 25th wedding anniversary ☺️ Rosa S Garcia


Yes, my 4 kids shared the cost and sent me to San Diego (from Mich) for 10 days to see my eldest grandson graduate from basic training of USMC. And on another occasion. They bought me a brand new 1999 Saturn for my 50th birthday. Vicky Kooienga (more…)

If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself, What Would It Be?

When we asked on our Facebook page, “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?” we got some pretty diverse answers. We love, and appreciate, everyone’s honesty. We think it’s interesting, and often great fun, to learn what’s going on in the fascinating minds of women 45+. Here are 10 of our favorite responses.

“I would change some of the things I have done in my past and try to understand how to be a good mom. You can teach them the best way you know how, but it doesn’t go that way.” Patricia A Amsden


Live for today and not worry so much about yesterday.” Tammy Chanprasert


“My financial decisions.” Joyce West


“Not a thing. I have a husband I would not want to live without, a beautiful daughter who has completed my life and has given us a gorgeous baby boy, and three more grandchildren from my husband’s family who of course are just as much mine, and all my brothers and sisters. I have everything. ” Julie Swallow


“Much as I hate to say it, I’m chiming in with “weight”. Would it make everything perfect? No. But I believe it would make me feel physically better.” Paulette Greyn


“To stop feeling like I always have to fix things….I can’t turn it off.” Helena Shanks


“Have the mobility I had in my 40s.” Linda Orwick Reed


“ Learn to forgive easier.” Barker Simcox Millie


“I would’ve done a better job as a mother. I obsess constantly on how I thought I was doing right by my daughters, yet they made all the wrong decisions.  Now I’m raising 4 grandkids and I pray I do right by them. I’m doing the best I can with what I have.” Darlene Chavez Gonzalez


“Nothing, as life is so short. Enjoy and be happy.” Ashley Meade


The Women We Admire Most


“My Mom-she loved her family. She was honest, sweet, caring and strong. She loved Daddy. She taught me to be my own person. She really could work all day, come home, clean the house, cook dinner and spend her days off taking us to the library, beach and museums. I miss her so much!” Cathy Justice


“My grandmother Gladys Adams from Benson, NC. She died many years ago but I loved and admired her.” Beth Hall

“My big sister, Linda, love her with all my heart. I would not have made it without her.” Shelley Stellmach


“My Aunt Estelle for her wit, love, kindness, and love of life!” Michelle Truffin Molloy

“To name just one is difficult. I had three very amazing women who gave so much for me and made me the person I am today. My trifecta of strong women. Today, a part of each of them lives on in me. Their strength guides me and has carried me through a life I am proud to have lived. They were my foundation.” Chris King Bent


“Jackie Kennedy was a great lady. She showed great strength and courage when her husband was killed right next to her.” Bonnie Trott

“Madame CJ Walker – first American female self-made millionaire. Plus, she was an African American woman. She used network marketing to make her first million.” Linda Jacob

“Princess Diana.” Belinda Rocha

“Margaret Thatcher, unbelievably strong woman! Super intelligent, I so admired her…” Mary Mosher

“Harriet Tubman and the women in my life…my grandmother, my mom, my sister , my daughter, and my granddaughters. Strong women with loving hearts.” Tula Smith

“Florence Nightingale.” Carol Collins

The Age You REALLY Want To Be

We received an overwhelming response when we asked you this question on our Facebook page:

If you could be any age now, what would it be?

Over 650 comments poured onto the post, and we read every single one. They were funny, thoughtful, warm, insightful, honest and touching. We’ve chosen some of our favorites to share here.


“I like it right here, at 56. My life’s ups and downs have brought me here and I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. I am still happily married to my best friend, 37 years and counting. Two grown sons who are thriving in happy marriages and they have given me 7 beautiful grandchildren. I am as happy as I can be right here.” Teresa Mathews

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The Loved Ones We Miss The Most

It brought tears to our eyes when we read your answers to the question:

Who do you miss most of the people you’ve known who have died?
How lucky we were to have them bless our lives.

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[POLL] To Date… Or Not To Date?

It’s always enlightening to learn what other women in our generation are thinking and doing. Every Thursday, FabOverFifty asks members of our community a series of simple questions about pretty complex issues (and some not so complex issues), then we report the results back to you!


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9 Ways To Create A Sensational Spring

In spring, a woman’s fancy turns to thoughts of growth and renewal, and we don’t mean just in the garden. Stop to smell the roses and make this spring the most colorful, dynamic and satisfying time of your life!

1. Renew your outlook on life

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10 Ways To Bend The Rules

Life would be pretty dreadful if we did every single thing, all the time, by the book. Bending the rules occasionally can be downright liberating and thrilling. Get started today.

Give yourself permission to:

1. Go to a pretentious “black tie” wedding wearing what you want to wearwedding-outfit

2. Play hooky from work every other month and have a spa day, all by yourselfspa-day


Dot Is ‘Dotty’ In More Ways Than One

Dotty Shealy is a middle-class widow living alone in a home in West Philadelphia in the play, DOT, at New York’s Vineyard Theatre.

Her single daughter, Shelly, often stays over because Dotty has been experiencing symptoms of dementia. Although Shelly, a lawyer, has a brother (a self-involved gay writer who is having marital issues) and a sister (a self-involved ‘diva’ seeking internet fame), she bears all the financial and emotional burden of taking care of their mother.


When everyone gathers in Dotty’s house for the Christmas holidays, Shelly is determined to unburden herself to brother Donnie and sister Averie, and ask for their help. Donnie, however, can’t focus on mom’s problems when he’s fighting with husband Adam about their lack of intimacy. Averie, in the meantime, is oblivious to anyone’s situation but her own.   (more…)

When It’s Time To Simplify Your Life

No one ever told us that life would get more complicated, just when we thought it would become a breeze! FabOverFifty offers 10 clues that will reveal it’s time to simplify your life:

1. You live in a 2,500-square-foot house, but spend 90% of your time in about 450 square feet.

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