“Do you really want to see life through on your own? I think not deep down. Never say never. You don’t know what you might miss out on. I found myself abandoned at 50, spent six years on my own and am now remarried to my absolute soul mate, and I would not change a thing.”
Sue Walker
“Sure, if I find the right man. I loved being married.”
Judith Riedel
“Divorced at 44 and remarried at 46. Now 50-Couldn’t be happier. Found an amazing- loving- passionate partner – who adores and raises my 3 children with me. We both make compromises- of course – but we are invested in us, all the way. Every person is different. Everyone’s path is different. We both happen to love traditional family life – but respect whatever works for anyone else. My kids are pretty young – and his are older – so marriage made sense for us. You need to find what works for you!”
Karen Dunphy
“Never in a million years. I would get engaged just so my mom and kids wouldn’t worry that I’ll be alone forever, but marry again, no! Marriage is for people who cannot be alone or young people who want kids.”
Louise Demartino Hionas
“Noooo!! Love my independence way too much. I have my children, grandchildren, family and friends in my life. I wouldn’t want to deal with some guy’s baggage, his possible health, financial issues, ex wife, etc. Ugh. No.”
Patty Pankul Glenn
“NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. Did I say, ‘NO?’”
Tammy Velasquez