
I believe my company, sadly, may be going out of business. I want to get a jump on a new job. How can I market myself so I don’t have to take a Pay CUT!! Just browsing I see most jobs with the title Office Manager, paying a good $10K less — as a single Mom with a Special Needs child, I can’t do.

0 Answers

  1. Linda McCoy wrote on :

    Be sure to update your profile on Linkedin, through Linkedin you can also join groups that pertain to your specific skills. It’s a good way to begin your networking. Best of luck to you in your job search!

  2. GinnyClarke wrote on :

    Create a target list of companies in your area you want to consider based on your needs (health insurance, proximity to home, etc.). Update your resume to reflect most recent skills, responsibilities and competencies. Identify people in your network – friends, alumni, social network, etc., whom you can approach about opportunities. This is your strategy. Work your strategy daily. It might include a few on-line applications, but focus on setting up face-to-face meetings or phone interviews. Many jobs are never posted on-line, so don’t invest more than 10% of your time with that process. Also, don’t get caught up on money yet, and never inquire about salary in the first interviews. Don’t get caught up on titles. Some executive assistants might make more than an office manager; focus on skills, competencies and your fit with the role. You can make this work!

  3. arlene satz wrote on :

    Looking before the inevitable happens is always an option. It is easier to get a job if you are already employed. Believe me, I have been out of work for a year and a half, and finding employers are discriminating against the unemployed. After all, if your prior employer didn’t want you , why should we? The pay may be less but there may be other benefits that balance out the loss of income(extra time off, higher 401K match, better benefits). Staying positive is key moving forward.

  4. dearcallie wrote on :

    “Office Manager” can mean supervising 3 people or thirty. Google larger companies in your area and look for their About page to get a feel for employers who can afford you. Regardless of whether or not they are currently hiring, send an up to date resume, along with a specific cover letter outlining why you would like to work for them ( Google is your friend here, search out every bit of news you can find about prospective employers, and reference it, and the industry inyour cover letter).
    Also – have your resume focus on skills and accomplishments, instead of chronological employment. A bullet list of proficiencies and projects is a hell of a lot more impresseve than a list of employers. Customize each resume as well, even if it’s only a matter of shifting the order of skills to best fit the position you are applying for. Don’t forget to use “action” words like – managed, created, developed, resolved, implemented… and finish with the results… “Created employee incentive program that increased unit sales 25%, while costing less than 5% in employee salary incentives”.

    Good Luck!

  5. Redlimemedia wrote on :

    Sorry to hear. As you interview for other positions, make sure you highlight your acomplishments and make sure your value is presented well on your resume. Don’t apply for jobs that you are not willing to take for the salary range given. When you get the interview, be confident and make sure you ask for the amount of money you need and be willing to walk away. Also consider other positions that would require more responsibity. Maybe your years as an office manager has equipped you will the skills you need to advance.

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