How Probiotics Can Help Revitalize Your Skin

Before FabOverFifty shares a new skin care or beauty product with you, we dig in to understand the science behind the product that can benefit your skin. We also look for brands that have intense research behind their formulas, making them especially appealing and definitely worth passing them along to you.

An exciting new line, called BioEsse, has been structured to interact with the microbes on our skin to brighten, smooth, strengthen, and protect it. That’s great news because our skin is the largest organ in our bodies.

Microbes, for those of us who long ago forgot 8th grade biology, are microorganisms that can only be seen with a microscope, and live inside us, around is, and on us. As a matter of fact, the microbes in our bodies outnumber the cells of normal human bodies by 10 times. 99 percent of microbes are beneficial: They facilitate food digestion to give us energy, synthesize vitamins, and stimulate our immune system and prevent infection. (more…)

Enhancing Lips 101

Many of us wouldn’t mind having fuller lips, maybe not Kardashian-style lips, but plumper than they are now. They’ve definitely lost volume, not to mention shape and moisture, during the last few years. Injections are an option, but we’ll leave that choice to the celeb sisters.


Lip-plumping glosses are a lot cheaper, not to mention less painful. They’re formulated with natural ingredients, like cinnamon, spearmint, or peppermint, that stimulate blood flow by actually irritating the lips, making them tingle and appear plumper. Glosses blended with nourishing moisturizers, like shea butter, also help contribute to fuller lips, even if for only a few hours. And, gloss with shimmer brings light to your face, another magnifying trick.


Note: Avoid lip gloss if you have tiny wrinkles around your upper lip since it will smudge and look messy. Use a matte light lipstick instead, with a dry matching lip liner.

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Do You Feel More Confident With Or Without Makeup?

Some of us won’t dare leave the house without it. Others are perfectly happy to go au naturel, at least when it comes to our faces. We asked, and you told us whether makeup makes you feel more confident. Here are some of our favorite comments.


“Without, because as I’ve gotten older, I really make a mess with makeup!!”
Sarah Bias

Without. I will apply the absolute bare minimum on a special night out. I am comfortable with the way I look.”
Diane Burtenshaw

Makeup is not a must! But hair, mani & pedi are!!!”
Annette Ramos


“I don’t use makeup. I have freckles, so I have enough color.”
Susan Pogarch

Since I retired, I don’t wear makeup very often. I’m confident either way.”
Violet Evenson

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[QUIZ] How Well Do You Know Your Active Ingredients?

Although wrinkles, lines and crow’s feet aren’t diseases, most of us feel like they are, and we want to be rid of them. We’d also like the skin care lotions and potions we buy to live up to their claims but, how do we check the endless promises….promises that all of these products make?

The answer is simple:

Arm yourself with knowledge about “active” ingredients, which can be critical to the effectiveness of skin care formulas. These are substances that may deliver flawless skin, and understanding them will help you sort through all of the products on the market.

Take the FabOverFifty quiz and see how much you really know about the “anti-aging” products that vow to give your skin back its “youthful” glow! (more…)

Look At Pauline’s Eyebrows NOW!

After going through chemo nine years ago, (I’m a breast cancer survivor), and just the natural aging process, my eyebrows had all but disappeared. For my 60th birthday in February, I promised myself the gift of eyebrows, so I booked an appointment with Ruth Swissa, who I remembered hearing about on local TV.  


How To Rejuvenate The Skin Around Your Eyes And Lips

When FabOverFifty recently partnered with Yon-Ka Paris to poll 700 members of our community about the delicate skin around your eyes and lips, we learned some pretty astounding facts!


Why You’re Unhappy With Your Neck

A whopping 89% of 875 women, 45+, are unhappy with the appearance of their necks, according to a FabOverFifty survey. Learn the reasons why, and what your FOFriends are doing about it!

What’s Happening To Your Eyes And Lips?!

It’s always enlightening to learn what other women in our generation are thinking and doing. We like to ask members of our community a series of simple questions about pretty complex issues (and some not so complex issues), then we report the results back to you!


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What’s Happening To Your Neck!

It’s always enlightening to learn what other women in our generation are thinking and doing. We like to ask members of our community a series of simple questions about pretty complex issues (and some not so complex issues), then we report the results back to you!



[GIVEAWAY] A Full Skincare Regimen From Yon-Ka Paris

Yon-Ka Paris, an exceptional French beauty brand, has been creating cutting-edge skincare technologies since the brand’s inception in 1954. Developed by its own team of pharmaceutical and biological doctors, chemical engineers, biologists and bacteriologists, Yon-Ka incorporates essential oils, as well as other fruit and plant extracts, into its line of over 80 products.

Today, Yon-Ka is offering one lucky lady a full skincare regimen of six products, valued at $568!
