Sex and the FOF Woman!

Hi FOFriends,

Last week we launched a partnership with a company called Sinclair Institute, knowing that many FOFs lack desire, satisfaction, or otherwise in their bedrooms.  Sinclair was found in 1991 “for adults who want to improve the intimacy and sex in their relationships,” said Kathy Brummitt, who produces the company’s well-done, educational sex films. “We saw the need to give our customers honest, straighforward, accurate sexual health information, to and frankly, permission to enjoy pleasure. We put together an amazing team of sexual health advisors from the professional community who could help bring our passion to those who needed information and inspiration.  As a FOF woman myself, I know that most of us never received a proper sexual education.  I’ve been with Sinclair since its inception and I can honestly tell you that I’m still learning!” Kathy added.

And this is what happened…

Since launching our new section, SEXcellent, we’ve received comments from many FOFs, assuring us that our new partnership with Sinclair Institute certainly needed to be formed.  Read what a FOFriend—from another continent—emailed to me:

“Dear Geri,

“I will mention that I am a woman in my late 60’s, and my health professional  [husband] is in his 70’s. I am of the generation where many people aren’t comfortable discussing their personal intimacy issues. (None of my friends ever discuss sex.) So, I was extraordinarily pleased to visit your web site and see that you have taken sexual intimacy issues for the ‘mature’ on board. You have actually opened up a new window of hope for women who have given up hope of enjoying sex with their partners and who are too embarrassed to discuss the issue with their family physician, friends, etc. Many women will love you for it, because you have given them ‘permission’ in a way to go where they otherwise wouldn’t. I know that I would NEVER have purchased items relating to sexual fulfillment over the Internet or from anywhere else for that matter if it hadn’t been for FOF.

“Most young people are positively disgusted at the though of ‘fossils’ ever having sex. So, a very special thank you, Geri, for giving me ‘permission’ to come out of my sexually empty closet. My husband has a few health issues that have made intimacy just too difficult for him to bother about. I am hoping to change that.”


Bravo to H! If you’re anything like she is, give yourself “permission” to have the pleasure you deserve Sinclair’s  quality how-to sex videos and sexual health products (aka the greatest “toys” an adult can play with) will help show you how to enjoy great sex.

So many of us entered relationships and marriages thinking oral sex (no less anal sex) were “dirty,”  “yicky,” “disgusting,” “embarrassing,” “never on your life would I do THAT or have THAT done to me.” Many of us wouldn’t even discuss sex with our husbands.  And how many FOFs could outdo Sally (played by Meg Ryan in the movie When Harry Met Sally), when it came to faking orgasms?

As for masturbation, we thought we were abnormal for doing it.  And the thought of doing it with a man would have sent me into fits of embarrassed laughter.

Well, my dear FOFriends, it’s never too late to start talking about your sex life, more importantly, to start doing something about it, if sex doesn’t give you pleasure, joy, ecstasy, or any other nice feeling. You don’t need a sex therapist to tell you that sex shouldn’t be a chore.

Each month, for the next six months, Sinclair is offering complimentary videos to FOF couples or singles that want to experience the best sex lives possible. There’s no place for shyness and embarrassment here. We want FOF men and women who are willing to be open and try new things. And have a sense of humor about it all.

Our goal is to feature people each month who view the video of their choice, personally apply what they learned and talk about the results openly and honestly.  The review can appear anonymously.  We’ll change your names for the article and we won’t show your photos if you’d prefer to be completely anonymous.

Kathy from Sinclair told me this is the one question they most often hear: Is my sex life normal? “Since no one talks about their sex lives, they don’t know what normal is,” Kathy says.

Let’s change that, starting now.  I invite you to explore Sinclair’s website and comment below about which of these educational videos you’d like to watch and make sure to add WHY.

Twelve FOFs will win. (See all our past winners, here.) (See official rules, here.) Contest closes March 28th, 2013 at midnight E.S.T. Contest limited to residents of the continental U.S.

Oh, To Have Sex Like I Did at 40!

Dear FOFriends,

Starting today, FOF is bringing you SEXcellent, a titillating new section to help you rev up your sex life or transform it from pretty good to out of sight.


I recently watched my very first sex how-to video (I swear), called 12 Ways To Boost Your Libido, which is part of the Live Better, Love Better Video Series produced by a company called The Sinclair Institute.  Then I grabbed the cute little turquoise vibrator they sent, as well as a set of pliable penis rings, and went to have sex with David.

I won’t be going into details here, but I can report that the sexually explicit video—not to mention the devices—made an impression. This is not porn. The video features honest-to-goodness, heterosexual couples performing erotically realistic acts, including imaginative sensual foreplay and lovemaking, oral loving, and many more advanced sexual positions.  A sexuality expert offers concise commentary and helpful suggestions, which are followed by typical couples demonstrating key elements, skills and techniques in honest, realistic and sensitive ways.

The couples aren’t actors. They’re not faking a thing (more on that later).  The video is designed “to aid in adult sex education and help individuals learn about sexuality in the privacy of their homes,” said Kathy Brummitt, who produces the films and oversees Sinclair customer acquisition. “The explicit scenes in each video, produced with input from certified sex educators and therapists, are portrayed within the context of loving and committed relationships.  They’re designed to encourage couples to interact more openly and creatively and to introduce topics many find difficult or embarrassing to discuss,” Kathy explained.

Couples who watch together report that the videos themselves are “instant aphrodisiacs, because they show real couples demonstrating the joys of real lovemaking,” Kathy said.


Sinclair was founded in 1991 “for adults who want to improve the quality of intimacy and sex in their relationships,” Kathy added. “No one person is responsible. Many of us worked on that project together—myself included. We saw the need to give our customers honest, straightforward, accurate sexual health information and frankly, permission to enjoy pleasure. We put together an amazing team of sexual health advisors from the professional community who could help us bring our passion to those who needed information and inspiration.  As a FOF woman myself, I know that most of us never received a proper sexual education. I’ve been with Sinclair since its inception and I can honestly tell you that I’m still learning!

A group of videos show couples how to overcome sexual problems that come with being FOF, including erectile dysfunction, reentering the dating scene and rekindling passion when sex becomes blah.

When I read an ad about the videos in an issue of AARP’s newspaper, I wanted to talk directly to someone at Sinclair and, happily, connected with Kathy and Betsy Grondy, customer acquisition manager. I was impressed when Betsy told me that Sinclair was featured on the Discovery Channel’s Sex in America program, which presented a study—the first of its kind since the 1940s — of the American people’s sex lives as conducted by Indiana University. A segment of the program took viewers behind the scenes during the production of one of the videos, now part of Sinclair’s extensive video library.


Kathy introduced me to Deborah and Dick (not their real names), a California couple who has been featured in a number of Sinclair’s videos since 2006. Married as long, 34-year-old Deborah and 43-year-old Dick had a satisfying sex life before participating in the videos, but have since “learned to have more fun, to explore and try new things,” Deborah said. “Sinclair has become like a second family for us.  The company has such nice people, who are fun and great to work with,” Dick added.

“We have a very open relationship when it comes to communication.  If something is on my mind, I’ll talk about it.  We live out each other’s fantasies,” Dick said. “Yet Sinclair has opened up another doorway for us, including role playing that we would never have thought about.  We did a Fifty Shades of Grey scene for a video, for example, and we’ve incorporated a little of that role-playing at home.

“Sex is taboo for the majority of people in the US,” Dick believes, “and these videos make you realize it’s okay to talk about it. When sex isn’t good, there probably is no communication or experimentation. Explore with each other.  Sex starts at the dinner table, not in the bed.”

“The videos encouraged me to relax and enjoy myself, Deborah explained. “I can let go of everything that’s on my mind, which usually inhibits good sex, and enjoy just us, from our body language to our chemistry.”

“Finding couples is the hardest part of producing a quality film!” Kathy said. “I should count my blessings about that because if it was easy, everyone could do what we do. We look for couples in committed relationships –aren’t in the adult industry, don’t have ‘bionic’ body parts and are articulate. Talking about sexuality turns out to be harder for most couples than participating on camera.”

Do you fake your orgasms for the video? I asked. Deborah. “Never. Faking it is not enjoying it,” she matter-of-factly answered.


I’m excited to introduce today a partnership between Sinclair and FabOverFifty. Each month, for the next six months, we’re going to offer complimentary videos to FOF couples or singles that want to experience the best sex lives possible. There’s no place for shyness and embarrassment here. We want FOF men and women who are willing to be open and try new things.

Our goal is to feature people each month who view the video of their choice, personally apply what they learned and talk about the results openly and honestly.  The review can appear anonymously.  We’ll change your names for the article.

I invite you to explore Sinclair’s website now, whether or not you think you have an explosive sex life.

Comment below about which of these educational videos you’d like to watch and WHY.

TIP: Leading therapists and doctors especially like Sinclair’s Better Sex Series, which shows men and women in their 40s, 50s, 60s—and older—that the best sex of their lives can be enjoyed right now!

Twelve FOFs will win. (See all our past winners, here.) (See official rules, here.) Contest closes March 28th, 2013 at midnight E.S.T. Contest limited to residents of the continental U.S.

Goodbye, dear sister

I’ve probably been living under a rock because I had never heard of Debbie Ford. But anyone who has written scores of best-selling books, helped thousands of people positively transform their lives and has 40,000 Facebook fans is obviously a force of nature. Debbie died a couple of days ago, at 57, after a two-and-a-half-year battle with cancer, which I learned from the following post on my Facebook feed:

‘Dear Friends,

‘My beautiful, brilliant and very brave sister Debbie made her transition last night into the waiting arms of her ancestors and guardian angels.

She told Brian and me that she was tired and ready to go. She had accomplished her mission, even though she would have liked more time with her son, Beau, her family, her devoted Julie, her gazillion friends and many beloved co-workers and community members.

‘Debbie wasn’t just my little sister. She was my friend, teacher, biggest supporter, and sometimes unmanageable, client. (She was always stubborn which served her well these past two and half years when she defied the odds of cancer. I’ll never forget the day one doctor told her in September 2010 to get her affairs in order because she was ready for hospice. She told him to F-off, that there was no way she was dying.)

The post, written by Debbie’s sister, Arielle, goes on to say that Debbie fought addition in her thirties and went on to earn a degree in transpersonal psychology, discover the connection between mind, body and spirit and devote herself to teaching and sharing her own process of healing.

Debbie had more than her accomplishments. She obviously had a sister who adored and respected her, which is one of the greatest blessings we can have in our lives. Although the relationship between me and my two younger sisters hasn’t always been smooth sailing (they said they needed my ‘permission’ to enter my room, for example), they give me what Debbie gave Arielle: Support (in more ways than one) guidance, friendship, knowledge and perspective. We don’t have to talk on the phone daily or see each other every week to feel the bond. We are here for each other, now and forever.

And they no longer need permission to enter my room. They have keys to my apartment.

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Supplementing my skin care regimen

My mother, grandmother and great grandmother had wonderful skin. As a matter of fact, Grandma Rosie looked great when she was 95. Luckily, I inherited the good skin gene from this sparkling trio of women. I also never wash my face with soap and spend little time baking under the sun.

Nevertheless, time marches on and I’m never going to look like the hot chick I was at 41 (I say that tongue in cheek.) My skin is laxer (especially around my neck) and drier, and has fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes.  My daily skincare regimen includes using the Clarisonic with an exfoliating cleanser, followed by applying some pretty costly moisturizer and eye cream that I like for their ability to absorb into my skin, without making it feel or look greasy.

Two months ago, I added a new anti-aging supplement, called Imedeen Time Perfection, to my daily skincare routine.  I finally recognize the importance of taking care of oneself from the inside out. I well know that skincare creams, lotions and serums work only to protect and care for the top layer of our skin, called the epidermis. These products simply cannot change what’s happening in the dermis—the layer beneath the surface–that contains the collagen, elastin and moisture-producing properties, or the skin’s building blocks. Although they may temporarily increase our skin’s moisture and firmness, they’ll never get it to bounce back to where it was when we were 30, 40 or even 50.

Manufacturing skincare products for over two decades, the makers of Imedeen® say its Time Perfection® “marine complex and antioxidant” supplement will work “inside the body” on women 40 and older, “to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin quality and moisture balance, and protect collagen and elastin fibers against oxidative damage in as little as 90 days.” A three-month supply of 180-tablets is $206.

Aside from plastic surgery (which I advocate wholeheartedly, as many of you know), maybe Imedeen® can do what these lotions and potions cannot. I was happy to say “yes” when the folks at the company asked if I’d try it, and compensate me, too.

Time Perfection® contains an exclusive blend of proteins and polysaccharides (a chemical term for carbohydrates, such as starch, insulin or cellulose) that is important for the skin’s structure and moisture and resembles the elements naturally found in the skin’s supporting tissue. One of these ingredients, called LycoPhence GS, provides tomato fruit and grape seed extracts, which help protect skin against oxidative damage. The other is Vitamin C, a vital antioxidant, which is essential in the formation of collagen. These targeted nutrients go “deep down” in the dermal layer to strengthen the skin’s invisible building blocks. Imedeen® offers a skin assessment on its site, to help you determine which of its anti-aging formulas work best.

’m two-thirds into the three-month regimen and I definitely notice that the fine lines around my mouth and eyes are less pronounced, as are those deeper lines on either side of my nose that run down to my mouth, called nasolabial folds. My skin also feels firmer when I pinch my cheeks. Friends, family and neighbors have been commenting that I “look good.”

The makers of Imedeen® are hosting a giveaway for one lucky FOF, who will receive a 90-day supply to help improve her skin.  Comment below on why you’d love to try it.  FOF will select the winner at random.

A Mother’s Worst Nightmare

Our worlds can turn upside down in the blink of an eye. Imagine your 22-year-old son feeling under the weather for a few weeks and unable to shake his malaise. You insist he see a doctor, one test leads to another and, within days, he’s diagnosed with a fast-moving strain of leukemia. He must start chemotherapy treatments right away, as in that day, or the leukemia will be fatal. He’ll be hospitalized for one month and then will require a bone marrow transplant to insure that the cancerous cells are eradicated.

This is what happened last week to FOF Barbara (not her real name), the divorced mother of five. Her newly ill son, her second youngest, is the golden boy. He never caused Barbara a day of grief, whereas his siblings each contributed a measure of aggravation to her life, at one time or another. The oldest were most affected by her divorce, which happened 16 years ago.

“Barbara is super woman,” said the girlfriend of one of her other sons. “She’s basically raised all the kids on her own. She treats each one like he or she’s an only child. On top of that, she’s a full-time social worker. Just when she was going to be able to relax, boom, this happens. She’s devastated.”

“Devastated” says it best. Nothing, not one single thing, can impact a mother’s life like the extreme illness of a child. “You’re only as happy as your most unhappy child,” the saying goes. Barbara has taken a leave of absence from her job so she can focus on her son and his treatment. No woman in her right mind would be able to focus on anything but her child during such a crisis. Fortunately, Barbara has the support of a loving family, especially her sister.

Nevertheless, Barbara found the time to respond to an email from the mother and dad of the other son’s girlfriend. It is one of the most thoughtful, touching notes I have ever read and I wanted to share it with my FOFriends.

“Dear M and J,

“Thank you so much for your kind words of support. I passed them along to (L, her son) as well.

“As you can imagine, this has become my worst nightmare. All that was important a week ago has become secondary. My total focus is to be able to find the best care for my son. My heart is broken but I have tried to put up a good front for all of my children, who I know share my sorrow equally.

“I hope to be able to have some positive information to pass on and welcome hearing about any success stories we can find. L has his moments of doubt, as are expected, and those are the worst. Even with our training [as social workers], it is difficult to be consoling when you lose hope yourself so I need to remind myself to think positive.

“As for our children I am ecstatic they have found each other and are making a life for themselves. I just wish they didn’t have to have these worries. I love S, as we all do, and she has provided so much strength and joy to all of our lives. I hope that we will be able to celebrate their happiness together in the near future.’


There is nothing left to say, except that my thoughts and prayers go out to Barbara and her son.


Bye, Mayor Koch

Douglas and I were at some street fair with curly-top Colby when he was a tot. And there, suddenly, was Ed Koch, posing for a photo op (at Douglas’ prodding, no doubt).  It was during Ed’s first mayoral term—of three—and he never missed a chance to circulate among the masses. Like him or hate him, he was a straight shooter through and through.  Never minced words and really didn’t give a damn what anyone thought of him, even though he’d publicly ask New Yorkers: “How am I doing?”

A bachelor, Ed had the city abuzz with speculation for years on his sexual proclivity, but he managed to keep his private life well, private. When he left office, he wasn’t omnipresent, like incessantly obnoxious Rudy Giuliani.  But I always enjoyed hearing Ed’s opinions when he appeared  on the political talk shows. He truly loved this city.

Leaking My Little Secret

I’ve written about many subjects during my long career as a writer and journalist, but in my wildest dreams, I couldn’t have imagined I’d be writing about underwear I’ve found for my stress incontinence. Not a very sexy subject, but an important one, since stress incontinence  (also lovingly known as LBL light bladder leakage) affects one in every three women over the age of 40, most commonly after multiple births or during menopause.

Weakened muscles in and around the bladder usually cause intermittent leakage of small amounts of urine, often brought on by exercise, coughing, sneezing or laughing.  Other causes include damage to the pelvic region or sphincter muscle. I had a complete hysterectomy when I was 44, part of the reason I have this irritating problem two decades later.

I take a drug called Vesicare to control the situation, but once in a while—if I wait too long to pee—my muscles don’t work like they used to. So it was nice to discover panties that feature a pad built into the crotch that quickly absorbs leakage and leaves me comfortable.  The pad is completely hidden and there’s no unsightly bulk.

Few things embarrass me and if I can share my experiences with other FOFs, and help them, I’m all for it. Isn’t it better than suffering in silence and embarrassment, like many of our mothers and grandmothers did?

The panties I’m wearing are called Wearever. Although it’s not an especially romantic name, the styles are definitely pretty and include soft prints, solids, and lacy numbers. They’re made of fabrics such as nylon, cotton blend and polyester, wash well and will hold up to 200 to 250 washes, the company claims.  The prices are quite reasonable, too: About $16.00 for a single pair, and less per pair if you buy a pack of three or six.

I’m glad companies are responding to real needs of our generation.

[Plus,  click here to read an interview with Bob Deerin, President and CEO of Prime Life Fibers, manufacturer of Wearever Incontinence Underwear.]

Make sure you know the meaning of “true love” before you head to the Hallmark counter

That silly day is approaching, when LOVE is celebrated with hearts, flowers, engagement rings, kisses, chocolate, poems, Hallmark pronouncements, and astounding sex in some bedrooms, I trust. Valentine’s Day gift guides from peppy PR gals and guys started flooding my inbox weeks ago.

I call the day “silly” because I think that most of these lovely gestures of love aren’t going to and coming from people who are truly “in love.”

I can just hear you muttering: ‘There she goes again.  What does she know about love?  Divorced, involved with a bad man for a dozen years….blah, blah, blah.’

Precisely.  I’ve learned about good love through all my trials and tribulations with bad love, as well as by observing everyone else’s mistakes for lo these many years.  But before I tell you what love is, let me set the stage by introducing you to three women I know. These are not made up women.  They are all women I’ve known for years.

WOMAN #1: Just 31, Roseanna (not her real name) was engaged to marry a man 24 years her senior.  He’s rich and successful; owns a house in the country and a co-op in the city; takes Roseanna on exciting trips and showers her with gifts.  That’s the good news.  He’s also an alcoholic and has been a playboy.  He tells her he’s going to “ruin her life.”  She’s left him, AGAIN, heartbroken and devastated.

WOMAN #2:  Almost 35, Jenna and her long-time boyfriend recently broke up because he wanted to control her life.  “He’s smart and wonderful, but he expected me to go where he wanted, when he wanted and do what he wanted and I was beginning to get depressed about it all,” Jenna told me.  “He had expectations about how we should live our lives but didn’t care about my expectations for myself.”

WOMEN #3: FOF Marissa has been married for 30 years to a man who has provided well for her.  They have two children and live in a beautiful home in the suburbs.  Marissa hasn’t worked for much of their marriage.  She has an infectious personality and a world of friends.  She’s also put up with her husband’s on again-off again explosive temper and verbal abuse. He’d often prefer to go off to “his” room to listen to “his” music and watch “his” TV.  He’s completely uninterested in talking about anything meaningful. Marissa started an affair, her first, about two months ago. “This man sends me love notes everyday about how smart and caring I am, and his intelligence stimulates me. I’ll take that over sex. [Marissa and her husband have a good sex life, by the way.] I am in love with him.  I don’t love my husband anymore.”

The meaning of true love is no big mystery.  It’s not about sex, money or power; big houses, fancy trips and gifts. It’s not about being smart, stunning and slim. People in love don’t try to change one another, exert their wants and needs on one another, or pick at each other. But people in love are ready, willing and able to do the hard work of changing themselves to keep their love bright, if that what it takes.

People in love aren’t threatened by each other’s goals and ambitions, or even their lack of ambition. People in love don’t try to hurt each other in any way. They don’t say sarcastic things to one another (well, maybe sometimes).  They don’t pout, growl and snarl around each other.

True love is about one thing and one thing alone: Adoration. People in love respect and admire each other for who they are, not for what they want them to be.  They fill each other’s needs, not always at the same time or to the same intensity.

Women #1 and #2 did the right thing. They loved their men but they didn’t have anything close to true love. Woman #3 surely doesn’t have true love with her husband, no matter how many years they’ve been married.  It’s too early to tell whether her new love is “true love,” but I don’t fault her for trying to find out.

The secret “ingredient” in my Rolled Sugar Cookies

My daughter, Simone, and I wouldn’t win blue ribbons (or any color ribbon) for baking at a State Fair, but I convinced her to help me whip up some cookies for the FabOverFifty Christmas party at my apartment. The experience would also give us a chance to put Vaseline’s reformulated Intensive Rescue Repairing Moisture body lotion to the test. When I agreed to try the product I was asked to choose a winter challenge, such as ice skating or cooking, which would expose my hands to one or more drying agents, including water, heat, and cold. I’m a worse ice skater than baker, so cooking it would be.

Simone and I chose a recipe we found for Rolled Sugar Cookies, which seemed simple enough. After the dough was made and chilled for a couple of hours, we rolled it out on a floured board, then cut it into shapes with cookie cutters. We washed our hands at least four times throughout the process, had them in and out of the refrigerator and oven and hand washed the bowls and utensils in pretty hot water—without wearing rubber gloves. By the time the cookies were baking, our hands were anything but baby soft and moist. Even Simone’s 30 year-old-hands were dry and ready for relief. Out came the lotion, which promises to “relieve very dry skin in a single use and help heal dry skin in 3 days.” Words like “powerful” and “therapeutic” also are used to describe the product.

I’d been using Vaseline Intensive Rescue Repairing Moisture body lotion for a couple of weeks before our baking soiree, and loved how easily and quickly it was absorbed into my skin, without giving it a greasy, sticky feeling. A small amount instantly made my dry, chapped hands feel velvety soft. This time was no exception. Simone was impressed, too, and happy to hear a bottle costs under $4.

I told her that I grew up with a jar of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly at the ready, whether my mother rubbed it on our chapped cheeks after we played in the snow for hours or on the rectal thermometer. So I felt some allegiance to the brand.

I’ve also been using the lotion on my feet, which are dryer than my hands and I no longer have skin cracks and leathery soles. The reformulated lotion includes Stratys-3, a moisturizing complex that hydrates the skin at the “top, core and in the deep-down layers,” the company says.

The cookies were crispy and buttery.  And when we rubbed our hands together in delight at our accomplishment, we were pretty pleased with them, too.

Tell us about your favorite winter activity for the chance to be one of five lucky FOFs who will win a gift package from Vaseline, consisting of a 10ounce bottle of Vaseline Intensive Rescue Repairing Moisture body lotion and a 7.5 jar of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. They’ll be kind to your skin throughout the cruel winter season.


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Time to go inside

Lose weight. Firm up. Stop drinking. Quit smoking. Think happy thoughts. The New Year invariably brings with it new promises we make to ourselves to shape up, do right and conquer the world. It’s a New Year, a “New You” must be ready to pop out from behind the curtains.

Frankly, I’ve never been one to make such lofty promises to myself when the calendar page flips from 12.31 to 1.1. I stopped drinking and smoking years ago, so they’re out of the Promise Land. Sure, I’d like to drop 20 pounds and have the same matzoh-flat stomach I had in my 40s, but I finally recognize that if you don’t take care of yourself from the inside out, you can be a mighty unhealthy size zero.

So here’s where a new anti-aging supplement, called Imedeen Time Perfection®, enters the picture. Manufacturing skincare

products for over two decades, the makers of Imedeen® say its Time Perfection® “marine complex and antioxidant” supplement will work “inside the body” on women 40 and older, “to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin quality and moisture balance, and protect collagen and elastin fibers against oxidative damage in as little as 90 days.” A three-month supply of 180-tablets is $206.

I well know that skincare creams, lotions and serums work only to protect and care for the top layer of our skin, called the epidermis. These products simply cannot change what’s happening in the dermis—the layer beneath the surface–that contains the collagen, elastin and moisture-producing properties, or the skin’s building blocks. Although they may temporarily increase our skin’s moisture and firmness, they’ll never get it to bounce back to where it was when we were 30, 40 or even 50.

Aside from plastic surgery (which I advocate wholeheartedly, as many of you know), maybe Imedeen® can do what these lotions and potions cannot. I was happy to say “yes” when the folks at the company asked if I’d try it, and compensate me, too.

Time Perfection® contains an exclusive blend of proteins and polysaccharides (a chemical term for carbohydrates, such as starch, insulin or cellulose) that is important for the skin’s structure and moisture and resembles the elements naturally found in the skin’s supporting tissue. One of these ingredients, called LycoPhence GS, provides tomato fruit and grape seed extracts, which help protect skin against oxidative damage. The other is Vitamin C, a vital antioxidant, which is essential in the formation of collagen. These targeted nutrients go “deep down” in the dermal layer to strengthen the skin’s invisible building blocks. Imedeen® offers a skin assessment on its site, to help you determine which of its anti-aging formulas work best.

I’m one-third into the three-month regimen and will be reporting back over the next two months to show and tell you how Imedeen® seems to be working. I took the two top photos (above) when I started and the bottom two today (complete with hair roller!) You judge for yourself (Personally, I see a difference; a good one.)