tlo SAID: I am in the midst of menopause. My eating habits have not changed but my body has! I am getting so thick around the middle – I look mishappen.
jef610 SAID: What’s the best way to start a new nutrition routine and stick to it? I’m always on the good habits/bad habits merry-go-round and can’t seem to find a way to keep things going well/satisfy my cravings, etc. Suggestions?
sccoed09 SAID: I had replacement right knee surgery in 2009 and doing the exercise routine has helped me lose some weight and I might lose more after my left one is done later this year, but I am sure there are other things I could do and would also help better manage my diabetes and heart problems. … Continued
earindal SAID: I’m 50, I walk many miles each week, do weight training 2-3 times per week, I eat very little processed food, no fast food, I love my veggies and fish…why can’t I seem to lose any weight?
Alkonost SAID: How many extra grams of protein do I need to add to my meals per day to gain muscle (in combination with weight training) ?
maydaycolorado SAID: How do you determine how many calories to consume since everyone is a different size?
opallisa SAID: I try to avoid high fructose corn syrup as much as possible, but it’s difficult with processed foods! What is your favorite non-HFCS food?