9 Powerful Divorce Stories

“My 17- year marriage ended when we separated 9/14/2001.

My X found his old high school girlfriend on classmates.com. They were both married and decided to give their relationship one more try. Our divorce was final 3 years later and they got married a few years after that.

My children are now 26 and 29. I moved closer to my daughter 3 years ago and last December I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Chemo and 3 surgeries are behind me and I’m now looking for a job. My company closed it’s doors the day I was scheduled to start back to work.”

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0 Responses to “9 Powerful Divorce Stories”

  1. Godsdancer523 says:

    I have been divorced for over 37 years and never ever married again. Have been engaged twice since then, but knew that marriage is not for me. I enjoy me and my kids and grandbaby. I go on dates but I don’t date. Life is good….

    • alexfof says:

      You’ve got it figured out! 🙂


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