The Mistakes Most Doctors Are Making When It Comes To Chronic Illnesses

If Dr. Don Colbert practiced medicine in the New York area, instead of in Orlando, FL, I’d make him my primary physician. Unlike doctors who often dash off prescriptions for drugs to “treat” chronic diseases, Dr. Colbert maintains that simple changes in our daily diet, combined with the proper dietary supplements, can help dramatically improve these long-term conditions. 

To be clear, 59-year-old Dr. Colbert isn’t against all medication. He prescribes antibiotics for patients with pneumonia, or medication to decrease the inflammation for someone with “crippling rheumatoid arthritis.” But given that 133 million Americans (45% of the population) are being treated for at least one chronic disease, Dr. Colbert asserts that “we simply cannot continue to slap a bandage on our rising health epidemic, and we must address wounds from the inside out in order to truly fix America’s underlying chronic health issues.”

The New York Times best-selling author of books including What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You and The Seven Pillars of Health, Dr. Colbert’s new book, Let Food Be Your Medicine, Dietary Changes Proven To Prevent Or Reverse Disease, examines our most common health issues and offers us “a better understanding of what to eat and what not to eat,” so we will know how our choices affect issues such as cardiovascular disease, weight loss, arthritis, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

“Chronic diseases continue to be responsible for seven out of every 10 deaths in the U.S. every year,” according to the press release that was tucked into my gift copy of Dr. Colbert’s new book. Medications clearly are not addressing the root of the problem. The good doctor believes he has the solution to “increase our chances for longevity by changing the foods that we eat.”

I accepted an invitation to interview Dr. Colbert because I have become alarmed by how quick my and my friends’ doctors prescribe medications when they see spikes in blood pressure, LDL (bad cholesterol), glucose, and more.

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