Dot Is ‘Dotty’ In More Ways Than One

Dotty Shealy is a middle-class widow living alone in a home in West Philadelphia in the play, DOT, at New York’s Vineyard Theatre.

Her single daughter, Shelly, often stays over because Dotty has been experiencing symptoms of dementia. Although Shelly, a lawyer, has a brother (a self-involved gay writer who is having marital issues) and a sister (a self-involved ‘diva’ seeking internet fame), she bears all the financial and emotional burden of taking care of their mother.


When everyone gathers in Dotty’s house for the Christmas holidays, Shelly is determined to unburden herself to brother Donnie and sister Averie, and ask for their help. Donnie, however, can’t focus on mom’s problems when he’s fighting with husband Adam about their lack of intimacy. Averie, in the meantime, is oblivious to anyone’s situation but her own.   (more…)