{Test This} Bring It Up Instant Neck Lifts
Denise Cooper won’t give in to gravity. She is the FOF behind Bring It Up, a line of products designed to lift everything from your brows to your breasts. The Los Angeles salon owner was downright tired of listening to her clients complain about their double chins and turkey necks–so she created Instant Neck Lifts (retail price: $20 for a 30 day supply), which she claims can “instantly tighten and tone a sagging neckline”–sans surgery. The promises are well…promising. The “lifts” are small, transparent, waterproof, hypoallergenic adhesives that work by tightening the neck from behind your ears. Oh, and Cher uses them… but, shhh… we didn’t tell you that!
We want you to tell us: Are these lifters a pain in the neck? Or, the neck-st best thing?
20 FOFs will test these products. Click here to find out more about them, and then leave a comment below to enter to test them.
(By entering this contest you are agreeing to test and submit a written review of this product to FabOverFifty and to send a photo of yourself to accompany the published story. See all our past winners. See official rules. Participants will be chosen at random from all those who leave a comment. Contest closes February 15, 2012.)