{Weekly Roundup}

Too much tryptophan? Don’t fall asleep! Here are some blog posts from around the web this week that are sure to keep you awake.

The perfect end to any meal

Holiday drinks

Well-earned wrinkles

The coveted silk blouse

Bunny Williams: Decorator of distinction

The final throes of autumn

A “younger” brain?

Body-friendly jacket

Until Monday, FOFs.

P.S. Do you have a charity or project you are passionate about? Tell us about it and we’ll help you raise money in 2011.

Image via Flickr

{Inspiration} Talking Turkey

We’ve been talking turkey this week, FOFs.  A bit of “thanks” (a surprise reward just for being FOF) and a lot of “giving” (FOF share their passion projects and how you can help!)

Image via Flickr

{Quiz} Which Thanksgiving “trimming” has the most calories?

“Trimming?” Yeah right! We found these traditional Thanksgiving side dishes to be anything but lean. Which holiday side dish has the most calories? (the answer may surprise you!)


Did you know? A typical Thanksgiving meal, including drinks, appetizers, meal and dessert, has 4,000 calories!

Sources: About.com, ThatsFit.com

Images via My Recipes, Daily World Buzz, Iain Bagwell for Sunset and The Daily Meal (McCormick)